Bună dimineața 🙂
Good Morning 🙂
M-am trezit cu un chef ieșit din comun! M-am trezit la 6 dimineța. Nu știu când e ultima dată când m-am trezit la o ora așa de “intunerică…”. Așa că m-am apucat de treaba.
I woke up with a tremendous amount of energy! I woke up at 6 in the morning. I don’t know when was the last time I woke up at such a “dark…” hour. So I get up to work on my business.
Mi-am făcut bineînțeles ritualul de dimineață – după care mi-am pregătit cafeaua și biroul, m-am așezat pe scaun, am pocnit din degete și m-am apucat de scris.
Of course, I did my morning ritual – after which I prepared my coffee and desk, sat down on the chair, snapped my fingers and started writing.
Uite ce a ieșit:
Here’s what came out:
Simplu, nu foarte complicat, alături de cafeaua mea favorită și canita de la Forever Living m-am gândit că fac câteva post-uri pe Social Media cu o parte din citatele mele favorite.
Simple, not very complicated, along with my favorite coffee and mug from Forever Living, I thought I would make a few posts on Social Media with some of my favorite quotes.
Friedrich Nietzsche –
“Isn’t life a hundred times too short to afford to get bored?”
Nicolae Iorga –
“A nation that does not know its history is like a child that does not know its parents.”
Wayne Dyer –
“You’ll see it when you believe it.”
Nicolae Iorga –
“Fate is the excuse of the weak and the work of the strong“
Romanian Proverb –
The Early Bird Gets The Worm
Hai pe insta! 🙂